(immediately following the Hospital Board meeting)


(RDN Board Chambers)








          1.           CALL TO ORDER


          2.           DELEGATIONS


15                          Chuck Fenton, Arrowsmith Parks and Land-Use Council, re Environmental Criteria for the Fairwinds OCP Amendment Applications.


16                          L. Christian Hansen, re Nanoose Bay Official Community Plan.


17                          John Kehoe, Zeke Zak & Darren Jupe re Implications of the Lakes District Project for the Trades.


18                          Bob Popple, Fairwinds Community Association, re Extent of Fairwinds Community Association Support for the Proposed Fairwinds Schooner Cove & Lakes District Neighbourhood Plans.


19                          Brian Steane, re Fairwinds Proposed Development.


20                          Christopher Stephens, re Coastal Douglas Fir in the Georgia Basin and the Nanoose Lakes District Proposal: Issues & Opportunities for Meeting the RDN’s Sustainability Goals.


21                           Gerry Thompson, re Proposed Fairwinds OCP Amendments.


          3.           BOARD MINUTES


22 - 34                    Minutes of the regular Board meeting held February 22, 2011.






35                          Grant Natland, re Request for Streetlighting in Area ‘E’.


          6.           UNFINISHED BUSINESS




                        Public Hearing & Third Reading.


36 - 40                    Report of the Public Hearing held March 14, 2011 on Bylaws No. 500.367 & 1335.05 - Fern Road Consulting Ltd. - 6120 Island Highway West – Area ‘H’. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)


1.      That the Report of the Public Hearing held March 14, 2011 on Bylaws No. 500.367 and 1335.05 be received.


2.      That "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Amendment Bylaw No. 500.367, 2011" be read a third.


3.      That "Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area 'H' Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 1335.05, 2011"be read a third.


                                    These bylaws re-designate the westerly portion of the subject property from Rural Lands to Resort Commercial Lands and rezone portions of the subject property from Rural I (RUID) and Commercial 5 (CM5B) to Commercial 5 (CM5K) and Comprehensive Development (CD42) to permit development of a 30 site recreational vehicle park.


41 - 47                    Report of the Public Hearing held March 7, 2011 on Bylaw No. 500.368 – Pilcher & Associates Inc. - 2465 Apollo Drive – Area ‘E’. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)


1.      That the Report of the Public Hearing held March 7, 2011 on “Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Amendment Bylaw No. 500.368, 2011” be received.


2.      That “Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Amendment Bylaw No. 500.368, 2011” be read a third.


                                    This bylaw rezones the subject property from Residential 1, Subdivision District `P' to Comprehensive Development (CD43) to recognize an existing, non-conforming, mobile park.


48 - 102                  Report of the Public Hearing held February 24, 2011 on Bylaws No. 1148.07 and 1309.01 – Addison - 2610 Myles Lake Road - Area ‘C’. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)


1.      That the Report of the Public Hearing held February 24, 2011 on Bylaws No. 1148.07 and 1309.01 be received.


2.      That “Regional District of Nanaimo Arrowsmith Benson – Cranberry Bright Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 1148.07, 2011” be read a third time.


3.      That “Regional Growth Strategy Bylaw No. 1309.01, 2011” be referred to affected local governments for acceptance.


                                    These bylaws amend the Regional Growth Strategy and the Arrowsmith Benson – Cranberry Bright Official Community Plan to support zoning amendment application No. PL2009-778 – Addison - 2610 Myles Lake Road - Area ‘C’ which provides for the subject property to be subdivided into four lots.


103 - 107                Report of the Public Hearing held March 10, 2011 on Bylaw No 1285.16 – Bezaire - 1724 Alberni Highway – Area ‘F’. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)


1.      That the Report of the Public Hearing held March 10, 2011 on “Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area ‘F’ Zoning and Subdivision Amendment Bylaw No. 1285.16, 2011” be received.


2.      That “Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area ‘F’ Zoning and Subdivision Amendment Bylaw No. 1285.16, 2011” be read a third time.


                                    This bylaw rezones a portion of the subject property from T-1 (Institutional/Community Facility 1) and R-3 (Village Residential 3) to C-3 (Commercial 3) to permit kayak manufacturing and sales.


                        For Adoption.


                              Bylaw No. 500.355 - Keith Brown & Associates - Fielding Road - Area ‘A’. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)


                                    That “Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Amendment Bylaw No. 500.355, 2010” be adopted.


                                    This bylaw rezones the subject property from Residential 2 (RS2) to Industrial I (IN 1) to permit a light industrial development.


                              Bylaws No. 813.47, 889.59 & 869.08. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That "French Creek Sewerage Facilities Local Service Boundary Amendment Bylaw No. 813.47, 2011" be adopted.


                                    That "Regional District of Nanaimo Northern Community Sewer Local Service Boundary Amendment Bylaw No. 889.59, 2011" be adopted.


                                    That “Morningstar Streetlighting Local Service Area Boundary Amendment Bylaw No. 869.08, 2011" be adopted.



                                    These bylaws extend the boundaries of the French Creek and Northern Community Sewer Services and the Morningstar Streetlighting Service to include an Area ‘G’ property (Lot 4 Corner Lowry’s and Wembley Roads).


                              Bylaws No. 861.03 & 1059.04. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That "Northern Community Recreation Service Amendment Bylaw No. 861.03, 2011" be adopted.


                                    That “Southern Community Recreation Service Amendment Bylaw No. 1059.04, 2011" be adopted.


                                    Theses bylaws amend the cost apportionment provisions of the northern and southern community recreation services establishing bylaws.






108 - 113                Minutes of the Electoral Area Planning Committee meeting held March 8, 2011. (for information)




                              Holly Clermont, Garry Oak Ecosystems Recovery Team, re Fairwinds – Response to January 31, 2011 Public Information Meeting. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the correspondence from Holly Clermont of the Garry Oak Ecosystems Recovery Team be received.


                              Wally & Laurie Debling, re Fairwinds Lakes District & Schooner Cove Development Plans. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the correspondence from Wally and Laurie Debling be received.


                              Peter Law, re Rainwater and the Fairwinds Lakes District Plan. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the correspondence from Peter Law be received.


                              Don Lawseth, re Fairwinds Application to Amend the Nanoose Bay OCP. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the correspondence from Don Lawseth be received.


                              Joe Straka, re Fairwinds Lakes District Development – Process Leading to Regional Park Dedication. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the correspondence from Joe Straka be received.


                              Paul Grinder, Arrowsmith Parks and Land-Use Council, re Fairwinds Application to Amend the Nanoose Bay Official Community Plan. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the correspondence from Paul Grinder of the Arrowsmith Parks and Land-Use Council be received.




                        AMENDMENT APPLICATIONS


                              Bylaw No. 500.369 to Support Zoning Amendment Application No. PL2011-009 – RDN – 2834 Northwest Bay Road – Area ‘E’. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)


1.      That the Summary of the Public Information Meeting held on February 17, 2011 be received for information.


2.      That Application No. PL2011-009 to rezone the subject property from Residential 1 (RS I) to Public 1 (PU 1) be approved subject to the conditions included in Schedule No. 1.


3.      That "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Amendment Bylaw No. 500.369, 2011 ", be given 1st and 2nd reading.


4.      That the Public Hearing on "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Amendment Bylaw No. 500.369, 2011", be delegated to Director Holme or his alternate.


                              Bylaw No. 1285.15 to Support Zoning Amendment Application No. PL2010-205 – J.E. Anderson & Associates – 908 and 920 Little Mountain Road – Area ‘F’. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)


1.      That the application to rezone part of Lot 1, District Lot 136. Nanoose District, Plan 21407 from R-2.54 (Rural Residential 2.54) to R-2 (Rural Residential 2) be approved subject to the conditions outlined in Schedule No. 1.


2.      That the application to rezone Lot B, District Lot 136, Nanoose District, Plan 41092 from R-2 (Rural Residential 2) to R-2.54 (Rural Residential 2.54) be approved subject to the conditions included in Schedule No. 1.


3.      That "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 1285.15, 2011" be introduced and read two times.

4.      That the public hearing on “Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 1285.15, 2011” be delegated to Director Biggemann and co-chaired by Director Stanhope.


                              Bylaw No. 1400.03 - OCP Amendment - Fairwinds – The Lakes District Neighbourhood Plan – Area ‘E’. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)


1.      That the summaries of the Public Information Meetings held on June 28, 2010 and January 31, 2011, be received.


2.      That "Regional District of Nanaimo Nanoose Bay Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 1400.03, 2011", be given 1st and 2nd reading.


3.      That the Public Hearing on "Regional District of Nanaimo Nanoose Bay Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 1400.03, 2011" be delegated to Director Holme or his alternate.


                              Bylaw No. 1400.04 - OCP Amendment – Fairwinds - Schooner Cover Neighbourhood – Area ‘E’. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)


1.      That the summaries of the Public Information Meetings held on June 28, 2010 and February 1, 2011, be received for information.


2.      That "Regional District of Nanaimo Nanoose Bay Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 1400.04, 2011", be given 1st and 2nd reading.


3.      That the Public Hearing on "Regional District of Nanaimo Nanoose Bay Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 1400.04, 2011", be delegated to Director Holme or his alternate.




                              Development Permit Application No. PL2009-287 – Roberts – 2270 South Lake Road – Area ‘H’. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)


                                    That Development Permit Application No. PL2009-287, to permit the construction of a cabin within 15 meters of the natural boundary of Horne Lake be approved subject to the conditions outlined in Schedules No. 1 - 2.


                              Development Permit & Site Specific Exemption Application No. PL2010-090 – Cowan – 2502 Blokker Road – Area ‘E’. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)


                                    That Development Permit and Site Specific Exemption Application No. PL2010-090 to permit the construction of a dwelling unit be approved subject to the conditions outlined in Schedules No. 1 - 3.






                              Development Permit Application No. PL2010-189 – McCaskell – 3728 Horne Lake Caves Road – Area ’H’. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)


                                    That Development Permit Application No. PL2010-189, to permit the construction of an addition to an existing cabin within 15 metres of the natural boundary of Horne Lake, be approved subject to the conditions outlined in Schedules No. 1 - 2.


                              Development Permit Application No. PL2010-223 – Low – 492 Martindale Road – Area ‘G’. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)


                                    That Development Permit Application No. PL2010-223 to permit the construction of a dwelling unit and an accessory building be approved subject to the conditions outlined in Schedules No. 1 to 3.





114 - 121                Minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held March 8, 2011. (for information)




                              June Parsons, BC Seniors Game Society, re Invitation to Host BC Seniors Games. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the correspondence from June Parsons of the BC Seniors Game Society be received.






                              Bylaws No. 1626 & 1627 – Authorize Temporary Borrowing & Issuance of Securities for Cedar Sewer Large Residential Properties Financing Service. (All Directors – Weighted Vote; All Directors – 2/3 Weighted)


1.      That "Cedar Sewer Large Residential Properties Capital Financing Service Security Issuing Bylaw No. 1626, 2011" be introduced and read three times.


2.      That "Cedar Sewer Large Residential Properties Capital Financing Service Interim Financing Bylaw No. 1627, 2011" be introduced and read three times.




                              Bylaws No. 1628, 1629, 1630 & 1231.03 – Authorize Borrowing & Issuance of Securities for Camp Moorecroft Land Acquisition and Increase the Regional Parks & Trails Service Parcel Tax.

                                    (All Directors – Weighted Vote)


1.      That upon completion of the purchase of the Camp Moorecroft Lands on March 2, 2011, the property legally described as Lot A, District Lot 110, Nanoose District, Plan 1777 PID 006-884-849 and Lot 1 of District Lots 52 and 110, Nanoose District, Plan 31217 PID 001-170-228 be designated as a Regional Park.


2.      That the Regional Parks parcel tax rate be set at $11.00 for 2011 and at $12.00 commencing in 2012, and that a review of the rate be undertaken in conjunction with the 2013 budget.


3.      That "Regional Parks and Trails Service Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1628, 2011" be introduced, read three times and be forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval.


4.      That "Regional Parks and Trails Service Security Issuing Bylaw No. 1629, 2011" be introduced, read three times and be held for adoption with Bylaw No. 1628.


5.      That "Regional Parks and Trails Service Interim Financing Bylaw No. 1630, 2011" be introduced, read three times and be held for adoption with Bylaw No. 1628.


6.      That the 2011 to 2015 financial plan be amended to reflect the Regional Parks parcel tax rates in accordance with the bylaws attached to this report.


                                    (All Directors – One Vote)


7.      That "Regional Parks and Trails Service Amendment Bylaw No, 1231.03, 2011" be introduced, read three times and be held for adoption with Bylaw No. 1628.



                              Preliminary Operating Results for Period Ending December 31, 2010. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the summary report of financial results for the year ended December 31, 2010 be received for information.


                              Bylaws No. 1336.08, 1483.05, 1525.03, 1567.02, 1568.02 & 1569.02 - Amend Parcel Tax Rates for Water, Sewer, Fire Protection and Crime Prevention/Community Justice Services.


                                    Bylaw No. 1336.08


                                    (All Directors – One Vote)


1.      That "Driftwood Water Supply Service Area Parcel Tax Rate Amendment Bylaw No. 1336.08, 2011" be introduced and read three times.


                                    (All Directors – 2/3)


2.      That "Driftwood Water Supply Service Area Parcel Tax Rate Amendment Bylaw No. 1336.08, 2011" be adopted.


                                    Bylaw No. 1483.05.


                                    (All Directors – One Vote)


1.      That “Barclay Crescent Sewer Service Area Parcel Tax Rate Amendment Bylaw No. 1483.05, 2011" be introduced and read three times.


                                    (All Directors – 2/3)


2.      That "Barclay Crescent Sewer Service Area Parcel Tax Rate Amendment Bylaw No. 1483.05, 2011" be adopted.


                                    Bylaw No. 1525.03.


                                    (All Directors – One Vote)


1.      That "Crime Prevention and Community Justice Support Service Parcel Tax Rates Amendment Bylaw No. l525.03, 2011" be introduced and read three times.


                                    (All Directors – 2/3)


2.      That "Crime Prevention and Community Justice Support Service Parcel Tax Rates Amendment Bylaw No 1525.03, 2011" be adopted.


                                    Bylaw No. 1567.02.


                                    (All Directors – One Vote)


1.      That "Water Services Parcel Tax Rates Amendment Bylaw No. 1567.02, 2011" be introduced and read three times.




                                    (All Directors – 2/3)


2.      That "Water Services Parcel Tax Rates Amendment Bylaw No. 1567.02, 2011" be adopted.


                                    Bylaw No. 1568.02.


                                    (All Directors – One Vote)


1.      That "Sewer Services Parcel Tax Rates Amendment Bylaw No. 1568.02 2011" be introduced and read three times.


                                    (All Directors – 2/3)


2.      That "Sewer Services Parcel Tax Rates Amendment Bylaw No. 1568.02, 2011" be adopted.


                                    Bylaw No. 1569.02.


                                    (All Directors – One Vote)


1.      That "Fire Protection Services Parcel Tax Rates Amendment Bylaw No. 1569.02, 2011" be introduced and read three times.


                                    (All Directors – 2/3)


2.      That "Fire Protection Services Parcel Tax Rates Amendment Bylaw No. 1569.02, 2011 be adopted.


                                    Bylaw No. 1631 - 2011 to 2015 Financial Plan.


                                    (All Directors – Weighted Vote)


1.      That “2011 to 2015 Financial Plan Bylaw No. 1631, 2011" be introduced and read three times.


                                    (All Directors – 2/3 Weighted)


2.      That "2011 to 2015 Financial Plan Bylaw No. 1631, 2011'' be adopted.


                              Coastal Community Network - Request for Membership Dues. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That correspondence be sent to the Coastal Community Network advising them that the Regional District of Nanaimo declines to be a member at this time.








                              Bylaws No. 867.05 & 1049.06 – Extend the Boundaries of the Nanoose Bay Peninsula & Bulk Water Supply Services to Include an Area ‘E’ Property (2834 Northwest Bay Road). (All Directors – One Vote)


1.      That "Nanoose Bay Peninsula Water Service Area Amendment Bylaw No. 867.05, 2011" be introduced and read three times.


2.      That "Nanoose Bay Bulk Water Supply Local Service Area Amendment Bylaw No. 1049.06, 2011" be introduced and read three times.




                        SOLID WASTE


                              Regional Landfill Service - Refuse Compactor Tender Award. (All Directors – Weighted Vote)


                                    That Finning be awarded the supply of a CAT 826H steel wheeled refuse compactor for a purchase price of $620,467 and guaranteed buyback of $293,000 and that the General Manager, Financial and Information Services be authorized to execute a four year lease to finance this purchase.


                              Bylaw No. 1591.01 – Amends the Solid Waste & Recycling Collection Service Rates & Regulations Bylaw. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That "Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Service Rates and Regulations Amendment Bylaw No. 1591.01, 2011" be referred back to staff.


                              Waste Stream Management Licensing Application - Cascades Recovery Inc. – City of Nanaimo (800 Maughan Road). (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the Board receive the report on the Waste Stream Management License application from Cascades Recovery Inc. for information.


                              2010 Illegal Dumping and Landfill Bans Enforcement Report. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the Board receive the 2010 Illegal Dumping Prevention Program and Landfill Bans report for information.






                              District 69 Recreation Commission. (All Directors – One Vote)


1.      That the minutes of the District 69 Recreation Commission meeting held February 17, 2011 be received for information.


                                    (Parksville, Qualicum Beach, EAs ‘E’, ‘F’, ‘G’ ‘H’ – Weighted Vote)


2.      That the following District 69 Recreation Youth Grants be approved:


                                    Community Group                                                   Amount Recommended


                                    Arrowsmith Community Enhancement Society (costumes)             $     255

                                    Ballenas Dry Grad (food & entertainment)                                  $  1,000

                                    Coombs Hilliers Recreation Community Organization                  $  2,500

                                    (outdoor court)

                                    District 69 Minor Softball (equipment & uniforms)                      $  2,000

                                    Errington War Memorial Hall Association (drums & drum bags)  $  1,183

                                    District 69 Family Resource Association (programs)                    $  1,700

                                    Kwalikum Secondary School - Boxing Skills Program                  $  1,500


                                    Kwalikum Secondary School - Dry Grad (event expenses)            $  1,000

                                    Oceanside Track and Field Club (facility improvements)              $  3,500


3.      That the following District 69 Recreation Community Grants be approved:


                                    Community Group                                                   Amount Recommended


                                    Errington Therapeutic Riding Association (program expenses)     $  1,154

                                    Lighthouse Recreation Commission (program costs)                    $  2,700

                                    Parksville & District Association for Community Living               $  1,030

                                    (program expenses)

                                    Parksville Qualicum Community Foundation                               $  1,500

                                    (Venetian Carnival)

                                    Parksville Seniors Athletic Group (softball equipment)                 $     500

                                    Qualicum and District Curling Club - 2011 BC Masters               $  1,000

                                    (event expenses)

                                    Vancouver Island Opera (room rental & advertising)                   $  1,220




                              Rosemary Boanno & Adrian Maas, Vancouver Island Regional Library, re Construction Financing for Nanaimo North Library. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That this request to staff be referred for a report on how to implement the borrowing authority that has been requested.


                        NEW BUSINESS


                              Mayor’s Task Force on Homelessness. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That Director Bartram be appointed to the Mayor’s Task Force on Homelessness and that Director Stanhope be appointed as his alternate.




          7.4         COMMISSIONS




                              Electoral Area ‘B’ Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee. (All Directors – One Vote)


122 - 124                Minutes of the Electoral Area ‘B’ Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee meeting held February 1, 2011. (for information)


                              Selection Select Committee. (All Directors – One Vote)


                              Selection Committee Appointments. (verbal)


125 - 168                Sustainability Select Committee. (All Directors – One Vote)


                              Minutes of the Sustainability Select Committee meeting held March 16, 2011. (for information)


1.      That the RDN Sustainable Development Checklist and Guide be approved; and that the RDN Policy B1.14 be amended to reference the revised checklist.


2.      That the proposed Green Building Incentive Program be approved.


          8.           ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORTS


169 - 176                Nanoose Bay Fire Protection Service - Fire Hydrant Use Agreement. (All Directors – Weighted Vote)


177 - 179                Bylaw No. 1631 - 2011 to 2015 Financial Plan. (All Directors – Weighted Vote)


180 - 187                Bylaw No. 975.54 – Extends the Boundaries of the Pump & Haul Service to Include an Area ‘E’ Property (Lot 57, District Lot 78, Nanoose District, Plan 14275). (All Directors – One Vote)


188 - 189                Public Transit Agreement and Public Transit Infrastructure Grants. (All Directors except EAs ‘B’ & ‘F’ – Weighted Vote)


          9.           ADDENDUM




        11.           NEW BUSINESS


        12.           BOARD INFORMATION (Separate enclosure on blue paper)


        13.           ADJOURNMENT


        14.           IN CAMERA


                        That pursuant to Section 90(1) (c) of the Community Charter the Board proceed to an In Camera meeting to consider items related to personnel issues.