Agricultural Composting Project

The Agricultural Advisory Committee identified three Action Items ( 5.3.A, 5.3.B, 5.3.C) related to composting initiatives. The applicable Action Items read as follows:
  • 5.3.A - Work with member municipalities to identify a location for a composting facility that would accept compostable wastes (plant material, manure, fish wastes) from farms and aquaculture operations.
  • 5.3.B - Investigate opportunities to connect regional composting and zero waste initiatives with the current nutrient cycling (composting) needs of farmers and aquaculture operators so that excess waste can be made available to those in need of extra nutrients. Identify any regulatory impediments that may exist in achieving this goal.
  • 5.3.C - Discourage large-scale slash burns and encourage efforts to reduce CO2 emissions from farming activities by promoting green composting, wood re-use, agroforestry techniques, shelterbelts, and alley cropping.
The initial phase of the project, that would be the primary focus for this work plan, would be to hold meetings with relevant stakeholders across the region to gauge the need and support for composting facilities. Should there be a need and general support, the project could be considered in more detail in future work plans and budgets.

If it is found to be in demand and generally supported, future phases of this project may include a feasibility study looking at the possibility of connecting the existing regional organics composting program with the current composting needs of the agriculture and aquaculture communities. The intent could be to explore the establishment of a shared regional composting facility where agricultural wastes could be incorporated into the existing organic feedstock and be processed into nutrient-rich compost, which could be made available for application to farm land to increase nutrient levels. The project could also include the identification of potential composting facility sites and promotion of local composting.

Current Status

This project is now complete. To review the survey results and staff report considered by the Board click here

For more information about commercial composting facilities within the RDN, go to the Links page here