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Agricultural Promotion and Economic Development Project
The purpose of this project is to raise awareness and general knowledge of agriculture and aquaculture in the region and promote development and investment opportunities in agriculture and aquaculture. This project will be accomplished through a range of different actions and includes the following sub-projects that together form a single larger project.- Sub-project 1: Creation of a Local Food Guide and Annual Food Tour
- Sub-project 2: Advocate for Changes in Farm Tax Assessment
- Sub-project 3: Creation of an Agricultural Website
- Sub-project 4: Creation of an Agricultural Support Officer
- Sub-project 5: Consider Establishing an Agricultural Development Committee
- Sub-project 6: Year Round Farmers' Market
- Sub-project 7: Right to Farm Education
It is intended that this is an ongoing project with no definite end date. However, it is proposed that during the first work plan (2014 - 2016) most of the staff time allocated to this project be primarily focused on getting a better understanding of each of the identified sub-projects in preparation for the next work plan. At that time the Board can provide direction on work plan priorities when more information is available.
Current Status
This project is currently in process and the following sub-projects are currently underway:- Sub-project 2: Advocate for Changes in Farm Tax Assessment : The RDN has sent a letter the British Columbia Assessment Authority requesting consideration of changes to farm tax assessment.
- Sub-project 3: Creation of an Agricultural Website: This website was created in response to this identified sub-project. The content and purpose of this site may change to reflect new information and any additional direction that comes as a result of Agricultural Area Plan implementation.