Request for Proposals

Professional Engineering Services For The
Nanoose Bay Peninsula Pump Station

In partnership with the City of Parksville (CoP), the Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) supplies surface water from the Englishman River to the Nanoose Bay Peninsula Water Service Area (NBPWSA). The water supply is conveyed via an existing pump station located on Northwest Bay Road in Parksville, B.C.

As development within the NBPWSA progresses, the existing pump station will not be able to supply the required flows.

As such, the purpose of this RFP is to request proposals from qualified engineering firms for the design, tendering, and contract management of a new pump station and associated transmission main, as well as decommissioning the existing pump station. The new pump station is proposed to be located approximately 100m further south along Northwest Bay Road from the existing pump station.

The design will also include tie-in of the new pump station to CoP infrastructure, a back-up power supply, and the design and tie-in of the pump station controls into the existing SCADA system at the NBPWSA treatment plant, including any upgrades required to the existing systems.


3 complete hard copies plus 1 electronic (CD or USB) copy prepared in .pdf format of each Response must be received before 2:00 PM Pacific Time on October 12th, 2017

Closing location:

Regional District of Nanaimo
Regional and Community Utilities
Second Floor
6300 Hammond Bay Road
Nanaimo, BC V9T 6N2

Contact person:

Gerald St. Pierre, P.Eng., PMP
Project Engineer, Water & Utility Services
Phone 250-390-6751
[email protected]