Notice of a Public Information Meeting
1390 and 1398 Springhill Road
Electoral Area 'F'
A Public Information Meeting will be held concerning a zoning amendment for the properties located at 1390 and 1398 Springhill Road in Electoral Area F. The properties are legally described as Lots A, B, C, and D, District Lot 103, Nanoose District, Plan EPP68815 (see location map below).
Thursday, July 12, 2018 at 6:30 pm
Bradley Centre
975 Shearme Road, Coombs
The applicant proposes to rezone the subject properties to increase the maximum lot coverage from 30% of the first 1.0 hectare of the lot and 5% of the remainder to 30% of the first 2.0 hectares of the lot and 5% of the remainder. While, no specific development is being proposed at this time, if approved, the proposed zoning amendment would allow each of the subject properties to have a greater percentage of the land occupied by a building(s).
The purpose of the Public Information Meeting is to introduce the applicant's proposal and to invite comments from the public regarding this proposal. Please note this is not a Public Hearing. A summary of the comments received at this meeting will be provided to the Electoral Area Services Committee and Regional Board as part of the application review process.
For more information on this application, please contact the RDN Planning Department.
6300 Hammond Bay Rd. Nanaimo BC V9T 6N2
250-390-6510 or 1-877-607-4111
[email protected]