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Calendar of Events

Mar 28, 2015
Rainwater Harvesting Workshop
Category: WaterSmart
Date: Mar 28, 2015
Time: 10:30 – 12:30
Location: Gabriola Commons
675 North Road, Gabriola Island

FREE Team WaterSmart Spring 2015 Workshops

Rainwater Harvesting Options - Save it for a Sunny Day!
Local experts from Rainwater Connection will provide hands-on examples of rainwater harvesting system components, and discuss design options and best practices. Come and learn how you can put rainwater to use on your property, whether for irrigating your garden or flushing your toilets! The Gabriola workshop will include a tour of two or three exemplary local systems.

Call 250-248-3252 or 1-888-828-2069 to pre-register and reserve your spot.

Please click here for additional information