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Calendar of Events

May 3, 2017
Youth Week
Category: Recreation Event
Start: May 1, 2017
End: May 7, 2017

Youth Week

Youth week is a national celebration of youth held annually May 1 to 7. It is a week of interaction and celebration intended to build a strong connection between young people and their communities.

Please Click Here to download your copy of the Youth Week Flyer.

To find out more and get involved go to www.rdnyouth.ca or contact Kelly Valade at 250-248-3252.

Youth Week Pickleball Clinic and Tournament
Category: Recreation Event
Start: May 3, 2017
End: May 4, 2017
Time: 3:30 to 6:00 pm
Location: Oceanside Place Arena

Youth Week Pickleball Clinic and Tournament 13-17yrs

Celebrate Youth Week with the first ever youth pickleball clinic and tournament at Oceanside Place Arena. Learn how to play the game in the pickleball clinic on the first day and then compete in a round robin tournament on the second day. Enter the draw to win the grand prize of a GoPro which will be drawn during the tournament. Wednesday to Thursday, May 3rd to 4th from 3:30 to 6:00 pm. Cost is $15/ person.

Phone RDN, Recreation and Parks at 250-248-3252 to pre-register. View recreation programs online at www.rdn.bc.ca/recreation

AWS / ERWS - Meeting of the Management Board
Category: AWS / ERWS Meetings
Date: May 3, 2017
Time: 10:30am
Location: Parksville Community and Conference Centre
131 Jensen Avenue East

Arrowsmith Water Service Management Board
Englishman River Water Service Management Board

The next regular meeting of the Arrowsmith / Englishman River Water Service Management Board will be held as follows:
  • WEDNESDAY May 3, 2017 at 10:30am
  • In the Parksville Community and Conference Centre, 131 Jensen Avenue East, Parksville
The AWS Management Board meeting will be immediately followed by a meeting of the Englishman River Water Service Management Board.

The agenda for this meeting along with background information will be posted below and to the ERWS website.

For more information:
Mike Squire, AWS/ERWS Program Manager
250 248-5412