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Calendar of Events

Dec 4, 2018
South Nanaimo Local Area Transit Plan - Public Engagement Session
Category: Public Meeting / Event Notices
Date: Dec 4, 2018
Time: As Noted
Location: As Noted

South Nanaimo Local Area Transit Plan - Public Engagement Session

The South Nanaimo Local Area Transit Plan is currently being developed and we’d like to hear from you on how to improve existing transit services and identify future service needs. The study area encompasses South Nanaimo, which includes routes 5, 6, 7, 15, 30, 40 and the addition of a new route.

The South Nanaimo Local Area Transit Plan establishes a blueprint for how resources could be used over the next 1-7 years. Seven route alignments are proposed to meet customer needs and ridership demand. The plan will identify a timeline and implementation plan for transit service improvements, including the proposed routes.

Please join us to provide your feedback and suggestions for this project!

Time and Location

  • 10:00am - 1:00 pm - VIU Bldg 355 Rm 211