Invitation To Tenderers

Nanoose Bay Peninsula Pumpstation
Reference No. 2231-12522-1

The Owner invites tenders for:

  • Construction of approximately 440m of 400mm watermain with associated valves, fittings and tie-in to existing mains;
  • Construction and commissioning of a reinforced concrete pumpstation with three 60 hp pumps and all associated power supply, controls, valves and fittings; and
  • All located in Nanoose Bay, BC.
There will be an on-site (non-mandatory) tenderers meeting on Tuesday, May 29, 2018, at 10:00am at the intersection of Northwest Bay Road and Langara Place.

Contract Documents are available during normal business hours at:

McElhanney Consulting
Services Ltd. Suite 1, 1351
Estevan Road Nanaimo, BC
V9S 3Y3
Electronic (PDF) copies of the tender documents are available at no charge. Please contact [email protected] for downloading instructions. Hard copies of the tender documents are available on payment of a non-refundable amount of $100.00 including GST payable to: McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd.

Tenders are scheduled to close:

Tender Closing Time: 2:00pm local time
Tender Closing Date: Thursday, June 14, 2018
Closing Address:
McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd.
Suite 1, 1351
Estevan Road
Nanaimo, BC
V9S 3Y3

Name of Owner’s Representative:

Russ Irish, P.Eng.
Phone: 778-762-0666 Email: [email protected]